If you’ve been invo'lved in an accident with an 18-whe'eler in San Antonio, you may be ent'itled to compensation. Our exp'erienced lawyers offer a free con'sultation to discuss your case and d'etermine if you have a claim. We 'will fight for you to get the compen'sation you deserve. Contact us to'day to schedule your free consult'ation.
Legal Options In A Se'rious 18-Wheeler Accide'nt In San Antonio
Road accidents involving lar'ge commercial vehicles, su'ch as 18-wheelers and semi-tru'cks, occur every day, often resulti'ng in severe injuries to vehicle occu'pants. If you have been injure'd in a truck accident, speaking wi'th an experienced San Antonio 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer can improve yo'ur chances of negotiating a fai'r settlement.
While obtaining a fai'r insurance settlement following a car accident may be challenging, tr'uck accident claims can be even mo're difficult. Severe injuries result in significant economic damages, b'ut insurance companies are often un''willing to settle for an appropriate sum.
Complex lease arrangeme'nts and contractual relationships ca'n make determining which part'y is liable difficult. Understandin'g the intricacies of commerc'ial liability insurance can also be co'nfusing. Our attorneys know how insurance and trucking companies o'perate, and we work hard to ens'ure that our clients get the maxi'mum compensation.
There are multiple factors t'o be considered in getting full a'nd fair compensation i'n' a truck accident, so it is important to con'sult a San Antonio 18-wheel'er accident lawyer as soon as poss'ible.
Khattar Law, PC, has expe'rienced personal injury lawyers to help you navigate these claims. Boo'k your first free consultation to di'scuss the details of you'r case.
18-Wheeler Accident Liability
18-wheeler accidents can oft'en be attributed to fatigue, prolo'nged hours of driving, exces'sive speeding, driver impai'rm'ent, and unfavorable weather conditions. Additionally, certain intern'ational trade deals have led to the inf'lux of poorly maintained 18-wheelers from Mexico and Cent'ral Am'erica on American highways.
At Khattar Law, PC, we are fam'iliar with federal and state regul'ations that allow us to spot safe'ty violations and establish liab'ility in accidents. We are skille'd in accurately assessing acci'dents involving 18-wheelers and oth'er damages resulting from mo'tor vehicle accidents.
We can evaluate all dam'ages and persuasively argue for th'e settlement you deserve. Ou'r negotiation and litigati'on skills can help you get the comp'ensation you need.
18-wheeler accidents may inv'olve multiple insurance policies, different insurers, and multiple liable parties. If another driv'er caused the accident, you m'ust determine whether the dri'ver was working for an employ'er, co'mpany, or independe'nt contractor. It is also impo'rtant to determine whether the dr'iver was engaged in the compa'ny’s business during the accident. If t'he driver was working outside the sco'pe of their employment, the employer might not be liable. A Sa'n Antonio 18-wheeler accident atto'rney can evaluate your case and he'lp you determine who may be lia'ble for your injuries.
To achieve a complete sett'lement, all parties’ insurers mus't be contacted to recover com'pensation for medical treatment and da'mage incurred by your car and oth'er property. The San Antonio 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyer h'as the requisite knowledge and sk'ill to help you obtain a fair settl'ement for your injuries.
How 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney Can Help You Recover The Damages You Deser've
If you or a loved one has be'en the victim of a truck or 18-wheeler accident, the experienced injury lawyers at Khattar Law, PC, ar'e here to help. Our San Antonio 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers ca'n help you recover dama'ges, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffer'ing.
We have experience in pe'rsonal injury and wrongful dea'th litigation, including cases inv'olving trucking comp'anies, owner-operators, freig'ht handlers, and intercity bus lin'es.
We Specialize In Crash'es Involving:
- Local service and mainten'ance trucks
- Airport limos and hospita'lity vans
- Construction vehicles
- Local or long-distance bu's or motor coaches
- Other professionally ope'rated vehicles
We can inform you about yo'ur legal options following a serious truck accident. If y'ou have been involved in a'n accident involving a heavy-equip'ment hauler, an 18-wheeler, or an'y other commercial vehicle, conta'ct the San Anton'io Truck’s accident lawyer at 210-923-1234 for a fr'ee consultation.
Commonly Asked Questions About San Antonio 18 Wheeler Accident Cases
Below are five frequently ask'ed questions and answers abo'ut 18-wheeler accidents and ho'w a San Antonio 18 Wheel'er injury lawyer may be able to help y'ou.
Q. What if the par'ty liable offers you insurance money?
A. Do not take the insura'nce money offered by the opposing party without consulting yo'ur own San Antonio 18-wheeler accident lawyer. At-fault parties oft'en attempt to skirt liability b'y offering money through their ins'urance companies.
These amounts are even le'ss than what you may be entitled t'o through proper negotiation. Agreeing to their terms can b'e a huge mistake that could lea'd to signing away your legal rig'hts. Always contact a San Ant'onio 18-wheeler accident lawyer to disc'uss your options before agreeing to' anything.
Q. What should I do if I am involved in an 18-wheeler accident?
A. Seek immediate medic'al attention. It may be diffic'ult to ascertain the full exte'nt of your injuries. Seek medical attent'ion or call 911 immediately following the accident—important docu'ment facts. While obtaining pro'of is secondary to seeking app'ropriate medical attention, documen'ting and identifying may help you'r claim.
Capturing the truck’s registrat'ion number or license plate information may later aid' in the legal process. Contact a lawyer. After seeking appropria'te medical attention, conta'ct a San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attorney to assist in establishing liabi'lity and filing a claim for t'he damages yo'u have suffered.
Q. How to select a'n attorney following an 18-wheeler accident?
A. Always look f'or an attorney experienced in handling 18-wheeler accidents. A'n 18-wheeler crash attorney will ha've the knowledge and skills to' manage your case effectiv'ely.
Q. How are 18-wheeler accidents different than other motor vehicle accidents?
A. In 18-wheeler accidents, other parties aside from the drivers may also be liable because of truc'k maintenance issues and manufacturer-caused mecha'nical faults. This is why an 18-wheeler truck accident victim should hi're a legal professional to con'duct a thorough investigation a'nd determine who may be liab'le and the multiple insurers invol'ved.
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Were you or a loved one injured o'r killed in a recent 18-wheeler accident? The problem wi'th 18-wheeler accidents is they cau'se terrible damage to the peo'ple and property around them. T'he accidents are frequently cau'sed by the driver behind the wheel, and other people pay the price fo'r this negligence. If your prope'rty was damaged or you were inj'ured in an 18-wheeler accident, it’s essential to call a San Antonio personal injury lawyer as soo'n as possible.
There are plenty of 18-wheelers i'n and around San Antonio. These vehicles keep our economy m'oving, but they can ca'use serious injuries in the ev'ent of an accident. If you or someone yo'u love has been injured in an accident with a large truc'k, the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS is here to help. Our San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attor''neys will work to secure the compensation you deserve.
After an incident as severe as a Sa'n Antonio 18-wheeler accident, se'ek assistance from an attorney th'at has the trust of the community. The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUN'S is ready to help. Contact us tod'ay for a free case evaluation.
- We focus exclusively on pers'onal injury law so that you can cou'nt on our extensive and speciali'zed knowledge in large tr'uck accident cases.
- We have a 99% success rate an'd have secured more than $500 million in compensation for o'ur clients through successful ver'dicts and settlement negotiat'ions.
- We take all San Antonio 18-wheeler cases on a contingency fee bas'is. This means you do not owe us any legal fees until after we secu're the compensation you are enti'tled to.
Truck drivers are often hir'ed by large trucking companies th'at put together strong legal tea'ms to protect their bottom line. Th'e less they pay out in claims, th'e more money they keep. You need a tea'm of attorneys with experien'ce fighting these large compan'ies.
The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GU'NS is a San Antonio truck accident based legal team o'f compassionate and hard-work'ing lawyers. We boast a long an'd proud history of representi'ng clients injured by 18-wheeler accidents. We provide a nurturi'ng and encouraging atmosphere because we understand tha't 18-wheeler accidents often res'ult in serious trauma, injury or dea'th. Even if a driver is thrown beh'ind bars for driving dru'nk or endangering people’s liv'es, you don’t get payment or reimbursement for your medi'cal bills or property damage without going through the clai'm or litigation process.
We work tirelessly to ensure th'at the insurance companies or tr'uck company pays for their neg'ligence. Your fight against a negli'gent driver is more than a cal'l for money. It’s a way to protect yo'ur family and fellow Texans from these types of negligent driv'ers in the future.
When you get in an 18-wheeler' accident you may be forced to pay for long-term medical car'e and even rehabilitation. No't to mention there’s a good chance yo'u miss work and lose out on essen'tial wages.
According to the Federal Mot'or Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a fully-loaded 18-wheeler can weigh as mu'ch as 80,000 pounds. Serious accidents ca'n occur when these trucks colli'de with traditional passenger vehicles. During the latest reporting ye'ar in the US, there were more than 4,900 people killed and approxima'tely 151,000 people injured in lar'ge truck crashes.
According to the Texas DOT, d'ur'ing the latest reporting year in the state, semi-trucks w'ere involved in:
- 465 fatal crashes
- 786 suspected serious inj'ury crashes
- 2,530 suspected non-incapa'citating injury crashes
- 3,406 possible injury cras'hes
The San Antonio 18-wheeler truck accident lawyers at the Villarre'al & Begum, LAW GUNS regularly help clients who have sustained th'e following in an incide'nt:
- Broken or dislocated bon'es
- Severe lacerations or amputations
- Internal organ damage
- Internal bleeding
- Traumatic brain injur'ies
- Spinal cord injuri'es
Truck accidents are often caused by the careless actions of the tru'ck driver. This can include drive'rs failing to abide by regulations pertaining to how many hou'rs they can operate daily, leadi'ng to driving while fatigued. The're are also times when drivers oper'ate while distracted or while impa'ired by alcohol or drugs.
Trucking companies can als'o be held liable for accidents. Companies must ensure tha't they follow proper hiring and train'ing practices for drivers. They must also regularly inspect and ma'intain each vehicle to e'nsure they are in proper working order. If any part of these large tru'cks fails well operating at higher speeds, the results could b'e devastating.
If you or a loved one has bee'n injured in a semi-truck accident caused by the negligence o'f a 'truck driver or trucking company, let the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS get to work on your beh'alf. Our qualified and experienc'ed team will investigate your case an'd more to secure the compensation you deserve. This can include:
- Coverage of all truck crash-rela'ted medical expenses
- Lost income if you are unab'le to work
- Pain and suffering dama'ges
- Loss of enjoyment of life dam'ages
- Possible punitive damages a'g'ainst a negligent truck driver or truck'ing company
You need a team that cares! Con'tact the Villarreal & Begu'm, LAW GUNS to hire a caring and hard-working team of perso'nal injury lawyers who put in th'e' man-hours to get the compensation you deserve. Call (210) 800-0000 to' schedule your free consultation. Make sure negligent drive'rs don’t get away with 18-wheeler accidents. Stop by our San Antonio law firm to ask any questio'ns and discuss your concern's.